These are materials from a lecture about realtime audio and video programming (using GEM and Pure Data) at the University of Applied Science, FH Joanneum, for the master programme Media and Interaction Design.
video |
2008 Project Description:
Echo noise is an audio and visual performance for the Frechheit Freiheit festival at Minoriten Graz. A longer recording is also available in higher quality in the download section below. Hear all records with good headphones or loudspeakers, they contain important low frequencies!
Text from the festival curator (in german):
Public Presentations and Performances:
echo noise @ Minoriten Graz Recording:
2006 Project Description:
2819-1 is a live sound and video installation in time and consists of 2 different rooms. The concert-visitors are "forced" to stay in these rooms for a specific time because of the arrangement of sounds and pictures - so they are not able to move through the installation as they like. The possibilities of the classical accordion were enlarged with cheap additional hardware (hacked mouse, keyboard). Duration: ca. 5 to 40 minutes. See also 2819.
Public Presentations and Performances:
2819-1 @ Musikuni Vienna
Public Presentations and Performances:
2819-1 @ Open CUBE |