As a first blog entry I want to welcome everyone to my new webpage !
It took me quite some time to convert all the content from my old, static side to a real content management system (drupal in this case). However, the last week was very rainy and therefore it was more easy to work on the computer .
So, first I want to give a small introduction into the structure of the new page.
At the top of the side you can navigate through the main categories: about me, projects, software, publications, blog, events, contact, login/logout.
It is possible to leave comments everywhere without registration and usually also without captchas (BTW: an intelligent web service called Mollom protects the side from spammers), furthermore you can subscribe to RSS feeds in all categories, tags, etc. (always click on the orange RSS icon).
In the categories projects, software and publications you will find some projects, software and publications by me (surprise !). All entries are listed in a table and it's possible to click on the captions to sort them by specific columns.
The category blog will contain smaller thoughts and experiments, which are not worth to put them into projects, software or publications.
Finally events lists future and past events, where I am/was involved.
The right sidebar of the homepage contains some smaller information blocks about recent comment, blog posts, upcoming events, a tag cloud and maybe more in future.
At the end I want to thank, a net-art community in Graz (Austria), for the free hosting of this side and of course many open source projects like linux, apache and drupal, which make it possible to construct such homepages for free.
Please report feedback and bugs to me (see contact) and post comments !