These are materials from a lecture about realtime audio and video programming (using GEM and Pure Data) at the University of Applied Science, FH Joanneum, for the master programme Media and Interaction Design.
gem |
Started in:
GNU General Public License (GPL)
Programming language:
C, C++ Overview:
This framework should provide a general video input and output system (reading/writing various files and from/to devices) for Pure Data. The interface is platform independent and the needed libraries are checked and loaded at runtime, so the host application (e.g. Gem, Gridflow, PDP) has no compile time dependency on all those video libraries. At the moment only the interface to Gem is implemented and consists of the following objects: pix_file_read, pix_file_write and pix_devic_read. They use the gstreamer plugins for all these opterations, but alternative libraries, especially on Windows and OSX, should be added in future. What they can do ATM:
This project was part of the Google Summer of Code program 2007. Version Control System URL:
Release Tarball:
Started in:
GNU General Public License (GPL)
Programming language:
C, C++ Overview:
Two main video processing frameworks exist for Pure data: Gem and PDP. pix_2pdp captures the contents of a Gem pix object and transforms it to a PDP packet (use colorspace YUV for the fastest conversion). What can you do with it?
pix_2pdp is based on code of gem2pdp by Yves Degoyon and is a part of the gem2pdp package. Implemented colorspaces: RGB, RGBA, YUV, Grey. Version Control System URL: