ATTENTION: unfortunately the original PDradio-server died and the system is not online anymore !
PD Webradio is a self-regulating internet radio station for the PD-community.
Registered users can upload PD-related music and share them with the community.
Because we didn't want to compile the radio program all the time, we build an automatic radio DJ.
All users can vote for a song they would like to hear and the DJ will generate a playlist according to all votes.
Additionally there is an automatic radio moderator, who speaks a little bit about the songs (metadata which can be uploaded together with the music) and maybe is joking sometimes ...
technical realization
PD-webradio is running on a Linux Server with Zope/Plone.
The audio streaming, speech synthesis, radio-moderator, DJ, ... is implemented in PD and Python for the communication to plone.
For a more detailed documentation see the links below.
listen to the PDradio:
If you want to listen to the PDradio, vote for songs or you have music related to PD and want to share it - follow the link above.