All user's microblog (twitter)s

October 8, 2012

  • Twitter grh tweeted "RT @auphonic: We released version 1 of the Auphonic Audio Processing Web API, see - including some simple scripting ..." 3:40pm #

October 4, 2012

September 29, 2012

  • Twitter grh tweeted "RT @auphonic: Great news: VLC 0.0.4 for Android also plays Opus files! - will start listening to Opus podcasts now ... ;) ..." 11:13am #

September 28, 2012

  • Twitter grh tweeted "RT @mattblaze: Apparently @IEEE does have an open access policy, but it only applies to passwords." 8:46am #

September 27, 2012

September 26, 2012

  • Twitter grh tweeted "RT @auphonic: Auphonic supports now Opus, the revolutionary open audio codec - read for listening examples and info ..." 6:59pm #

September 18, 2012

  • Twitter grh tweeted "@timpritlove @martinhering deswegen gibts in den URL Feldern bei auphonic auch den tooltip, dass man das nicht machen soll für apple welt..." 9:43am #

September 16, 2012

  • Twitter grh tweeted "RT @auphonic: We released an Auphonic Introduction Video: - thanks to Flo! It illustrates many Auphonic algorithms ..." 1:25pm #

September 10, 2012

  • Twitter grh tweeted "@_cato du kannst ja mal ins metalab schaun -" 8:28am #

September 6, 2012

  • Twitter grh tweeted "Save the date: 9th - 12th of May 2013, Linux Audio Conference in Graz!" 7:39pm #